Thursday, October 10, 2013


Okay post sebelumnya emang rada najis inggrisnya, tapi kadang pengen ngepost pakai inggris tapi ujung2nya gak tau mau nulis apa dan jadinya awkward and fuck grammar. So don't judge me! 

Tujuan post ini sebenernya sih enggak ada. Cuman pengen nulis tentang betapa najis inggirs gua. Tapi kata cici gue, gue harus bisa bikin essay dan dimulai dari hal2 kecil aja kayak nulis inggris di blog katanya. Eh hasilnya bener2 cuman seuprit dan jelek banget. Gak tau gimana biar banyak dapet inspirasi. Baca buku inggris sudah tapi inggris tetep aja pas2an gitu. Meskipun jadi tau banyak vocab dari buku, pas mau nulis sih vocab anak SD lagi. Malu abis.

Selain tentang post najis berbahasa inggris gue, gue akhirnya merasakan betapa capeknya sekolah. Bener2 butuh liburan dan tidur seharian di rumah. Butuh banget. Bayangin, pulang sekolah langsung les, pulang les jam 5 atau 6, terus ngerjain pr, belum makan belum mandi belum main HP nya. Belum lagi kalau lagi ngerjain PR ada selingannya. Beres2 jam 11 engga tau ngapain aja. Tidur bisa jam 11-12an. Di sekolah ngantuk. Dan terus menerus kayak gitu tiap hari. Hmmm...

high school

It's been like a very long time since i wrote my last post. Just notice that i've been very busy lately with my school, high school specifically. I enter "the best high school" in my town, so that i have to work hard keeping up my presence. And i got in "Professor Class". It's like nobody's stupid as hell. When the teacher read test score, it's just around 5-6 students got below standard. FYI, the standards this year is going insane, it's 75. People said that getting 70 in high school was super hard, and now the standard is going up to 75 and i go crazy like WHAT THE HELL. Beside the subjects, i have to adapt the new friends that i only acquaintance for 3 years. At first, i feel kinda desperate because all of the girls have their own old-friend-couple. Fortunately, Marlyna allowed me to sit next to her. But the circumstance on my class hasn't friendly yet because there is like a big wall between girls and boys. The only boys that mix with the girls are Ary and Anthony. I don't even know when will this class be blend but just hoping for the best.